Category Archives: Rants

Things that bother me enough so that I can’t help but comment on them.

Mal wieder Zeit für einen Leserbrief an die “Neue Westfälische”

Lange nicht getan, aber heute mal wieder: Herfords (Schild-)Bürger haben es wirklich geschafft, ein paar tausend Unterschriften gegen die Nachtabschaltung der Straßenbeleuchtung zu sammeln (natürlich bequem über’s Netz wie heutzutage üblich).

Mal schauen, ob dann in der “NW” in den nächsten Tagen folgendes erscheint:

Hallo Lokalredaktion,

ich frage mich wirklich, was die Herforder Bürgerinnen und Bürger so bedrohlich an der Abschaltung der Strassenbeleuchtung ab Mitternacht finden, um darüber eine Petition ins Leben zu rufen. Mir ist in den letzten drei Jahren nicht aufgefallen, dass nach Mitternacht weniger Leute auf den Strassen unterwegs waren, oder habe ich sie im Dunkeln nur nicht gesehen? Interessant wäre mal ein Vergleich der Kriminalstatistiken der letzten sechs Jahre, der sicher zeigen würde, ob die Straßen in der Zeit der Abschaltung weniger sicher geworden sind (sie sind es nicht).
Was für einen wunderschönen Blick kann man seit drei Jahren wieder auf den Sternenhimmel werfen, sogar die Milchstraße mit ihren Millionen von Sonnen ist nach Mitternacht bei guten Bedingungen wieder zu erkennen, oder jetzt im Herbst auch der über zwei Millionen Lichtjahre entfernte Andromeda-Nebel, dessen Licht sich auf die Reise machte, als unsere Vorfahren noch duch die afrikanische Vulkanasche stapften und sich fragten, was diese Lichter am Himmel wohl bedeuten.
Wir sollten es wert schätzen, dass wir diesen Anblick nun auch wieder mitten in Herford geniessen können und uns nicht Angst einreden, wo objektiv gesehen keine Gefahr droht.
Freundliche Grüße
Uwe Schürkamp

Some justice after all..

It was really enjoyable seeing the Italy side drop out of the world cup today, and deservedly so. After decades of acting and faking injuries, penalties and altogether unattractive and snotty football, they finally got to taste some of their own medicine, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Kudos to the Slovakians for keeping the game on a top level where they could have opted for… well, cattenacio or whatever that abysmal “style” of football is called the Italians apparently enjoy so much.

Here’s hoping for a new italian team for the next international competition that resorts less to acting and playing foul like generations of their forefathers did, and if that hope comes true, I honestly wish them all the best.

Finally, some justice in the football world…

Dunno while I feel compelled to rant about football at the moment, but I guess I’ve contracted a mild form of wcd (world cup desease). Today’s kiwi draw against a rightfully weak italian side restored some of my faith in the game again, even if the nz goal was supposedly scored from an offside position.

It was about time some bad luck hit the .it side again who seemingly ran out of their usual “oh god I’m hurt ref send the guy off” acting talent they normally display… ok, enough for now, off to a night of celebration for various reasons, not just soccer-related.


What is it with these Socceroos?

Looks like the poor old Socceroos got bitten by the italian bug again, this time by Italian ref Rosetti sending one of them off and awarding an at best highly doubtful penalty to the Ghana team.

Last wold cup: Fallen prey to some bad, but well known  italian acting in the penalty box resulting in a penalty against the Australian side, and now, another penalty possibly ending their world cup ambitions… sigh.

Fixing the broken OSD on a T41 / Karmic

Thanks to the Ubuntu forums, I’ve finally managed to fix the broken osd / notification system in 9.10 on a t41 thinkpad (the bug affects all radeon based devices, I believe) by adding the line

Option "RenderAccel" "off"
to /etc/X11/xorg.conf

However I had to create xorg.conf first, check the Ubuntu forums for more information (search for “karmic no xorg.conf”), for example. It was also suggested to limit / set the AGPSize to “32”, but sadly this did not solve my problem.

On the upside, “Stellarium” runs again, on the downside, it’s now slow as molasses, but that’s still better than a segfault in my book. Why the developers broke something in karmic that worked without a hitch in jaunty and earlier is beyond me, however.

Why I love “The Simpsons”

ProSieben recently aired a new “The Simpsons” Episode where the family visits Ireland, granting a wish to Grampa as he was stationed there during WWII. As the folks entered Dublin this billboard caught my eye; it was only on-screen for about three seconds:

This is funny on so many levels I nearly cracked up laughing. Only in “The Simpsons” will the writers go to great lengths to think up such a joke and then grant it all of three seconds precious “air time”. Thanks  guys!

Yet another Look at Google Chrome on Linux

A couple of weeks ago, I first started using Chrome in a serious manner, now that extensions were finally available. While back then things were still a bit sketchy, esp. in the “Adblock Plus” alike department, AdThwart has come a long way and seems to have been updated daily since then.

It now supports on-the-fly filter creation, adblock plus blocklists (with full syntax support) and also the unnerving “flashing” of ads while they are being removed is now gone.

So together with the plugins “bettergmail”, “proxyswitchy” and a flash killer of sorts, google chrome has now become my primary browser for daily use on Linux (primarily Mint 8, but also Ubuntu Lucid Alpha 1). Memory footprint is lower than Firefox’es (can be an issue on a 1gb laptop), it’s way faster both in HTML and Javascript processing and hasn’t crashed on me in any serious way ever since I started using it. Also, the flash plugin somehow performs better than in Firefox.

Theme support also has come a long way, with one-click installs right from Chrome’s theme library, and there are some real beauties out there.

If I didn’t have any concerns about google’s ever-growing influence and the slow, but steady erosion of their once high-held company credo “don’t be evil”, I’d easily give it a 10 rating, but with this in mind I’ll stick with an 8.5 out of ten for now.

Keep up the good work!

The lights are back on…

After checking the cables, wall sockets and other stuff, the electrician decided it was safe to turn the electricity on again in the ex-water logged house of my mother in law.

Thanks again to the neighbors Müller and Heitholt for letting us suck their electric juice for four days and nights in a row to power the drying fans inside the building, it’s much appreciated.

The house has already become considerably drier ever since Jens turned the heating back on on christmas eve morning: Going from 3 fills of the condensation catchers a day back to one in 24h is a good sign.

Konfirmationsrede für Robin

Meine Konfirmations-“Rede” für Robin

Note: this was a “speech” I wanted to deliver on my nephew’s Robin confirmation, but was unable to due to various unlucky circumstances, not least of all my own cowardice 😉

Hallo Robin,

dies ist die ‘Rede’, die ich fuer deine Konfirmation vorbereitet
hatte. Da auch Woytek keine Rede gehalten hat und auch sonst niemand,
moechte ich sie dir auf diesem Wege zukommen lassen.

Konfirmation — was bedeutet das eigentlich?

Du hast heute am Wein genippt, eine trockene Oblate gekaut und vor
allen Gemeindemitgliedern deinen Glauben an Gott bekannt. Sicher ein
eindrucksvolles Erlebnis; bestimmt hattest du auch in deiner
Katchumenenzeit diverse einschneidende Erlebnisse.

Bei mir waren das:

– mein erstes “Live-Konzert” mit Pastor Kaleschke “Daaaanke / fuer
meine AAaaarbeitsteeeelleee…”

– mein erster Zungenkuss mit Silke Lorenz (wow! Ich war noch NICHT
bereit fuer sowas, ganz sicher 😉

– Meine erste “richtige” Pruefung, mit niemand anderem als Nils Schwan
im “Pruefungsausschuss” (weil er gerade in der Naehe herumstand und
die doofen Presbyter ihn einluden, doch “mitzumachen”)

Unsere Kultur haelt fuer junge Leute viele Huerden zum Erwachsenwerden
bereit: Konfirmation, Lehre / Abi, Fuehrerschein, usw. Jedes Mal
sollst du in den Augen deiner Mitmenschen ein “bisschen” erwachsener

Aber wann bist du eigentlich erwachsen? In vielen meiner Bekannten
(und auch in mir) steckt immer noch kleiner Junge, der gerne raus
moechte und diese eine Frage stellt: “WANN bin ICH eigentlich
erwachsen?” Haengt das von dem Auto ab, dass ich fahre? Von meinem
Einkommen? Von meinem Urlaubsort?

Es gibt andere Kulturen auf diesem Planeten, in denen dieses Problem
nicht besteht. Es gibt eine eindeutige Schwelle auf dem Weg von der
Kindheit zum Erwachsenen, die genau einmal ueberschritten wird. Es
gibt kein vor und auch kein Zurueck, und es gibt auch keine Fragen
mehr, ob du jetzt ein Erwachsener bist oder nicht. Du bist nach
Abschluss dieser Zeremonie ein vollwertiges Mitglied der Gemeinschaft.
Keine Fuehrerscheine. Kein Wahlrecht. Kein Alkoholverbot. Kein “du
bist zu jung dafuer” mehr, niemals.

Das Ueberschreiten dieser Schwelle ist oft mit Schmerzen verbunden;
Indianer-Staemme im mittleren Westen der USA halten z. B. ihre
Toechter fuer mehrere Naechte am Stueck wach und verlangen am
Abschluss einen “Dauerlauf”, um Staerke und Gesundheit fuer den Rest
ihres Lebens sicher zu stellen ;

Maennliche Kinder eines anderen Stammes legen sich einen Tag auf einen
Ameisenhuegel, (rote Ameisen, wohlgemerkt), um Staerke und
Willenskraft zu zeigen; oder werden bis zu den Schultern eingegraben
und fuer einen Tag lang so gelassen, um den “Uebergang” zu

einige Aborigine-Staemme Australiens verlangen von ihren Jugendlichen,
ihren Penis bis zum ueblen Bluterguss mit Steinen zu bearbeiten und
sich dann ein paar Vorderzaehne ausschlagen zu lassen. Anschliessend
verbringen sie eine Woche allein, abgeschnitten von allen anderen
Stammesmitgliedern, um ihre Faehigkeit zum “Ueberleben” unter Beweis
zu stellen (natuerlich ist immer jemand in der Naehe, um im Notfall

All diesen Ritualen ist gemein, dem Jungen eines zu vermitteln: “Du
bist jetzt ein Teil von uns, traegst Verantwortung, bist einer von
uns, vom aeltesten Mann zum staerksten Krieger. Leidest du, leidet der
Stamm, leidet der Stamm, so leidest auch du.”.

Was immer dir auch das heutige Ritual bedeutet — ich moechte dir
sagen, dass ich auch nach deiner “Bestaetigung” (Konfirmation, im
Glauben bestaetigt) ein Teil sein moechte dieser Gemeinschaft, die mit
dir leidet, wenn du leidest, und die sich mit dir freut, wenn du dich
freust… so wie die Jahre vorher.

Dein Patenonkel

Screamers: an essay on virtual tribalism (2001/01/03)

Note: I wrote this article for our Grand Prix Legends online racing league back in 2001.

The Screamers. I’ve been part of them for nearly two years now, gone
through some rough times, some so-so times, some “I’m going to quit”
times and through some very fine times indeed. What makes us special?

On the surface, this question is seemingly very easily answered. We’ve
got all age groups covered (from young, yet double-dad roger) to old
Bill “track designing” Tillman, all sorts of occupations (from cool
“mad-science” Kevin to “hands-down-gimme-that-napkin sketch”
carpentering ZZ, with real school teachers to cover the holes in
between ;-).

We cover the spectrum fom notorious singles (Simon “don’t come too
close” Goodwin down to Glenn “you can never have enough kids”
White. We also feature Dave “‘n-email-in-a-month-is-enough” Goodwin
and we have “who’s leading the email race???” Uwe.

Of course, such a group by itself makes for an interesting mix that
won’t start boring you any time soon. there’s always something
happening, there’s always stuff to talk about, from the trivial “my
gfx accelerator is faster than yours” stuff to the very personal,
painful matters which we had an example of just a couple of weeks
back. Yet, the screamers are special in some ways to many of us, and I
include myself here. So what’s special about the screamers?

I think many will agree with me when I would say that we would let
*any* screamers spend a couple of nights in our own homes should the
chance or need arise. Right? Jo inviting me to try out his new english
longbow down on his personal range or a fitting sitting in his
HyperStim? Sure! Glenn popping over to Germany (or ex-Jeff for that
matter), sharing a nice night out in the local pubs? Sure! Dave taking
Todd out to a night to see Birmingham and explore the local pubs? I’m
also quite sure that many of us have had private communication or even
meetings in real life. What does all this have in common?

Trust. Trusting each other on the race track is one thing (a fabulous
example of which I had the priviledge to enjoy recently with Paul at
Silverstone), but Gentlemen, I think there is more to this than that.

What I think we’re witnessing here, at this very moment, is the
creation of a what I would like to call a “virtual tribe”. Agreed,
it’s not a real tribe, it’s not one that is going to share physical
pain as you go through it, one that is not very likely to be in the
neighbourhood should you need a hand or advice changing a tyre on your
car, trying out some freakish new operating system or even needing
advice rasing your kids “the right way” which we all know does not
exist, but still. Nothing more right now than some weird email address
that you can turn to, toss your cookies at or just share joy or sorrow
you have experienced knowing that someone will eventually answer to
anything you post here. Most of the times. 😉 Share the joy, the
pain, the tips, the knowledge. Intricate desires to any human I have
met in my life.

Ten years down the road we might all be racing each other in virtual
race cars on a real track. Please note I am by no means claiming that
this is going to “advance humanity” which is a phrase that Mother
Culture just *loves* to whisper into our ears, identifying “us”, like
“our culture”, with “humanity” in a single breath (my Ishmael-reading
fellows will instantly recognize the phrase), but rather I think that
technology will eventually allow us to lead a “more human” life when
it comes to the forming of virtual tribes as I have just described. We
might also be meeting in virtual pubs, having virtual beers and giving
each other virtual hugs when we’re down, and virtual claps on the
shoulders for a good race result during the last league event.

While all of this will be virtual for some time to come, it’s still
going to be real humans interacting, humans with an inherent need to
“form a tribe” and share experiences, joy and pain. With the
Screamers, I think we’re lucky to witness just such a thing in its
humble beginnings. We are sharing it already, and I don’t believe this
is going to vanish anytime soon.

Robben für den Kosovo (1999/04/20)

Betr.: Artikel vom 20. 4. 1999, “Buntes aus aller Welt”
Sattelrobben für den Kosovo

Der neufundländische Landwirtschafts- und Fischereiminister sollte
sich um einen Führungsposten bei der Deutschen Bahn bewerben, so
brilliant ist sein Vorschlag, die Hungernden in aller Welt (und damit
insbesondere aus aktuellem Anlaß die Kosovaren) mit dem Fleisch von
mehreren Millionen Sattelrobben zu versorgen.

Nicht genug damit, dass unsere Form der totalitären Landwirtschaft den
Planeten in nur knapp 500 Generationen an den Rand des globalen
Kollaps geführt hat und ihn wohl demnächst hinüber befördern wird;
nicht genug damit, daß die daraus entsprungene Hydra der menschlichen
Bevölkerunsexplosion naturgemäß immer öfter ihren schönen Häupter in
Form von Kriegen, verheerenden Seuchen und Hungersnöten reckt; nein,
jetzt bekommen es auch noch die kanadischen Sattelrobben knüppelhart
zu spüren, wie hilflos wir all diesen Problemen gegenüber stehen.

Vorschlag: Werfen wir die Robben doch lebend über Kosovo und den
Hungergebieten dieser Welt ab, so sparen wir die Kosten fürs Töten
(wer von uns möchte diesen Job schon übernehmen), und wer weiss,
vielleicht vermehren sich ja einige und helfen uns bei der Lösung
unserer Konflikte; schlechter als wir werden sie dabei wohl kaum

New “Ishmael” Website goes live

Looks like Rennie and Dan Quinn finally got around to giving their website a fresh overhaul: It’s good looking with a clear and concise design. Dan is the author of such award-winning books like “Ishmael”, “The Story of B” and of course “My Ishmael”.

If you’re reading German and looking for copy of “My Ishmael” or “Ismaels Geheimnis” as it’s called in this little, strange country, please consider signing the “My Ishmael” petition over at this place.

Congrats on getting the new site out there, Rennie & Dan!

Recommended Readings


Ever since I read “Ishmael” by Dan Quinn (and his other books, of course) I haven’t bothered with much other literature; this book has changed my life and the way I view our culture, and even more importantly, the human place in the community of life.

Throughout my life I have been in and out of various religions and philosophies so I can safely claim I’ve stood on “each side of the fence”. Taoism, Zen, Bhuddism, Atheism up to born-again Christian (“hah”, I can hear you say, “you weren’t truely born again if you went back from that!” ;-), I’ve had it all.

The notion conveyed in Quinn’s books is closest to a very early Taoism in my opinion which might be due to the fact that Taoism itself is very very old, just like man, so is probably not as “tainted” in its concepts as most other taker religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and what not.

This does not imply that Dan’s books are about religion; only marginally in fact. If you’re interested of a first glimpse into his ideas I’d recommend you check the website at or this document.

Recommended Readings

On the “meaning of life”

  • “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn
  • “The selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins
  • “The Story of B” by Daniel Quinn
  • “My Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn
  • “Beyond Civilization” by Daniel Quinn

Science fiction

  • “Cryptonomicon” and most other stuff written by Neal Stephenson (such as “Snow Crash” and “The Diamond Age”)
  • Anything by Niven and Pournelle (too bad the latter is such an ignorant windows head, but he used to write excellent novels 😉
  • The “Rama” series by Arthur C. Clarke
  • “Dune” by Frank Herbert (of course)

Science (not Fiction)

  • The Feynman Lectures on Physics
  • “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan (also an excellent TV series)
  • “Choosing and using a 20CM SCT” by Rob Molise
  • “Die schönsten Himmelsobjekte” by Hans Vehrenberg

Motor Sports

  • “Life in the pit Lane” by Steve Matchett
  • “Going faster” by Paul Lopez
  • “Drive to win” by Carol Smith
  • “Grand Prix” by Rainer Schlegelmilch


  • “Lord of the Rings” by Tolkien (in fact, anything by Tolkien 😉

History / General Interest

  • “Constantinople” by Roger Crowley
  • “Empires of the Sea” by Roger Crowley