Author Archives: hoover

The Dels in Cologne

Most certainly NOT a fatal mistake: Travelling to Cologne to see & meet “Del Amitri” from Scotland.

What a weekend! After nearly 20 years of firmly believing “Del Amitri” no longer existed, I finally got to see one of my all-time favourite and personally most influencial bands live with Tristan and his good friend Eze on Sep 10th 2022 in the “Kantine” in Cologne. The tickets were very reasonably priced at around 40€, a nice surprise in times were bands with a significantly smaller catalog and musical variety will not refrain from charging near-triple digit amounts on many occasions.

The evening provided a great show & a good set list including a selection of their new material from their recent album “Fatal Mistakes” released in 2020 I believe and their old classics like “Nothing ever happens”, “stone cold sober” and quite a few others.

Del Amitri: Iain Harvie, Ash Soan, Justin Currie, Andy Alson & Kris Dollimore

Justin opened the evening with a very nice near-acoustic rendition of one of my favourite dels songs “when you were young”. Not full length, just the first couple of verses but enough to make my eyes water (the good kind of course :))

The Set List

While you could tell that 90% of the audience grew up in the 70s to 80s, some young folks were around as well as apparently some parents still deem it necessary to introduce their near-grown offspring to some decent music! 🙂

No longer turned up to “11” at the end of the show
hard-working crew is working hard

After about 2 hours and one encore consisting of 4 songs (the gig ending with a happily sung along to “Be my downfall” by an apparently very text-secure audience), the “Dels” decided to call it a night (Justin especially looked quite knackered after giving his all) and I stumbled upon Iain and Kris meeting some folks at their tour bus when we had just called for a cab, it was really nice of them to be available for a short chat and agree, of course, to taking a photo.

Iain, hoover and Kris

One more item (of the personally more important ones to me) is off the bucket list: Seeing the Dels perform a live “show” (deemed impossible for a long time because, well, I had no idea they were touring again). Thanks much for a great evening folks! On a rather sad note, neither Iain nor Kris could tell me about the mysterious chord for the bridge of “Drowned on dry land”… I was correct about the tuning Justin uses, but that one chord really must be is “secrect sauce” of some kind (he was probably already hiding in the bus and making faces at the window or something :))

“You can’t go back” (WARNING: phone mic quality)

More pics to follow as I collect them off various devices, mates and relatives. Hannah and toughie also had a great time attending the “Madness” gig at the e-werk, but naturally it could not hold a candle to the Dels and even featured YT videos as an “opening act” if you want to call it that 😉 Of course the Dels audience was treated with a proper live act to open up the show (2 of three members being featured below).

Eleanor & Bonnie (“The Whitmore Sisters”)

After the show, some excess stuff / memorabilia were handed out to folks near the stage, I was a bit too late when I noticed but a friendly young lass (accompanied by her mom naturally) was nice enough to hand me one of her spare picks she had receiced from a very friendly crew member):

The new hoover family heirloom: the kids will love it (I’m sure :)) Thanks again, ye unknown lassie!

Lionhead Meatballs

Leckere Hackbällchen “China-Style”

o 400g Bio-Rinderhack

o Ein halbes altes Brötchen (zerpflückt, angefeuchtet mit etwas Wasser)

o Ein Bund Frühlingszwiebeln (fein gehackt)

o eine halbe rote Zwiebel (fein gehackt)

o etwas gehackter Knoblauch / Ingwer

o kleine Prise Glutamat, 1 TL Salz, Pfeffer, Kreuzkümmel, Zucker

o Curry & Paprika nach Geschmack

o 1 EL helle Sojasauße

o 1 EL dunkle Sojasauße

o 1 TL Kartoffelmehl (nach Wahl)

o 5 EL chinesischer Kochwein (alternativ geht auch trockener Weißwein)

o 2 Eier


Hackfleisch mit Gewürzen, Eiern und Zutaten vermischen und gut von Hand einige Minuten durchkneten. Die Masse In kleine Bällchen formen (zwischen den Handflächen rollen) und mit etwas Öl und Butter in einer flachen Pfanne (Hitze 7/10) von allen Seiten gut an- und durchbraten.

Kann mit allen Beilagen (Reis, Nudeln, Chop-Suey etc) serviert werden, ggf. mit frischen Kräutern & gehacktem Porree / F-Zwiebeln verfeinern.

apache2 basic auth / ip based authentication

As I keep forgetting how this works, here’s an example config that will require basic auth for the “/” URI while permitting basic-authless access to “/test” for IPs listed in the Allow from statement (other source IPs will still be able to access stuff in “/test” if proper basic authentication info is provided with the request):

# httpd.conf 

# basic auth für "/" und "/test" except for IPs listed in the "Allow from..." Statement 

<Location /> 

   AuthType Basic 

   AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/htpasswd 

   AuthName "Authorized Users Only" 

   require valid-user 


<LocationMatch /test/*> 

   Order Deny,Allow 

   Satisfy any 

   Deny from all 

   Require valid-user 

   Allow from AAA.XXX.YYY.ZZZ 


Curry Shop Suey mit Nudeln & Hühnchen

Perfekt zur Resteverwertung (z. B. nach Weihnachts-Raclette)

Zubereitungszeit: 30-40 Minuten.

Kochzeit: ca. 10 Minuten.

Zutaten (für 2-3 Personen):

o 1 Block Mie Nudeln (ca 150g)

o 1 TL frischer Ingwer, 1-2 Knoblauchzehen, 3 Frühlingszwiebeln (fein gehackt)

o Glutamat (nach Wunsch)

o 1 TL Zucker

o 1 EL rote indische Currypaste

o 1-2TL Senf (nach Wahl)

o etwas Pfeffer

o 2 Eier

o 5-6 EL Keimöl

o 4TL chinesischer Kochwein

o 2TL dunkle Sojasoße

o geröstetes Sesamöl (optional zum Verfeinern)

o 200-300g Hühnerbrust oder ein übrig gebliebenes halbes Hähnchen / Poulade (Reste in unserem Fall 🙂

o Gemüse nach Wahl (z. B. 2 halbe gelbe / rote Paprika, weiße Zwiebel, TK-Erbsen, Möhren). Pilze, Broccoli, Bambus, Sojasprossen, Porree, Mais, rote Zwiebeln etc. gehen ebenfalls gut!

Mie-Nudeln in kaltem Wasser für 1-2 Stunden einweichen, abtropfen lassen und in kurze Streifen schneiden.

Zwei Eier mit etwas Milch, Salz, Glutamat und Pfeffer verquirlen und bei mittlerer Hitze in einer flachen Pfanne zu einem Omelette braten. Abkühlen lassen, Omelette dann in dünne Streifen schneiden, zur Seite legen (Achtung vor der Familie, geht weg wie warme Semmeln :))

Hühnchen kurz ankochen (falls noch roh und nicht vorgebraten / gebacken), dann abkühlen lassen und in Streifen zupfen.

Gewürze mit 2 TL Öl in heiße Pfanne geben, kurz anbraten (“bis es gut riecht”), dann Hühnchen hinzugeben und heiß & knackig kurz anbraten bzw. aufwärmen. Zur Seite legen, etwas abkühlen lassen.

Gemüse mit 2TL Keimöl heiß für 2-3 Minuten anbraten, Kochwein & Sojasoße zum Dämpfen hinzugeben, dann Hühnchen und Gewürze hinzugeben und gut durchrühren & anschliessend zur Seite legen.

Die Mie-Nudeln in 2TL Öl anbraten und geschnittenes Omelette hinzugeben und kurz erhitzen. Gemüse und Hühnchen hinzugeben, gut durchmischen (“Bewegung im Wok”) und heiß in flacher Schale servieren (ggf. mit geröstetem Sesamöl und gehackten Frühlingszwiebeln verfeinern).


Not having seen Mercury for many years I was rather happy to catch the little, sun-grazing inner planet during yesterday’s beautiful sunset.

While the picture doesn’t look like much, if you look closely you can see the little moon-like disk shape of the planet. The picture was taken at around 60x magnification using a Nikon P900 bridge camera.

For comparison, here’s a picture I took of Venus using the the same camera and magnificaton a few weeks earlier:

As you can see, the image is much crisper as the venusian planetary disk appears much larger than Mercury’s (both because Venus is much closer to earth and also considerably larger). The Mercury image was zoomed in using the “GIMP” image processing software on Linux, here’s the picture in its original size:

Changing the default sound output device in Counterstrike: Global Offensive (on Linux)

I know I’m about 10 years late to the party, but I recently picked up “Counter Strike: global offensive (“csgo” for short) on Linux when I found out the title was now free to play on steam.

My distro of choice is Linux Mint 19.2 and getting the game to run itself on Linux was not a big issue thanks to using modern drivers for my nvidia gtx1070ti, however no matter what I tried, csgo would insist on playing its ingame sound (both effects & VOIP) on my external speakers (when everybody knows you need a proper headset to fully enjoy the 3d effects the game provides).

After a lot of googling I finally found a workaround which involves some pulseaudio (PA) hacking, but seems to work ok in a reliable and repeatable manner.

The basic principle is that you redirect csgo’s sound output (a “sink” in PA lingo), after it’s been created,to the sound device of your choice.

You’ll need to alt-tab out of the game once it’s started but I’ve found the function is rather stable if you run csgo in “fullscreen windowed” mode.

Once csgo is running, alt-tab to a 2nd virtual desktop and open a shell.

In this new shell, we’ll need to determine the current index / id of the headset like so:

$ pactl list short sinks
0 wave_output modules/module-waveout.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz RUNNING

(the above is just an example as I’m typing this on a Linux VM). The number we need is the “0” in this case, choose this according to the index number where your headset is displayed in pactl’s output.

Next, we create a simple shell script (need to to this only once of course) with the following content, calling it “” or similar:

echo "Setting default sink to: $1";
pacmd set-default-sink $1
pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep index | while read line
echo "Moving input: ";
echo $line | cut -f2 -d' ';
echo "to sink: $1";
pacmd move-sink-input `echo $line | cut -f2 -d' '` $1



I’ve chosen $HOME/bin/ as my location for this script, but you can put that wherever you want as long as the directory is in your PATH.

Once you have that script at the ready and executable (chmod 755 ~/bin/ in my case), simply type <indexnumber>

where the <indexnumber> is the number that is displayed for your headset in the pactl output listed above.

Now you can cycle back to the virtual desktop that csgo is running on, hit alt-tab there and hey presto!, csgo should now be outputting its sounds to your headset.

Thanks to “Zanna” over at for the original script!

Birding Corfu / Kerkyra, September 2019

In September 2019, we spent a couple of weeks in Agios Gordios on Corfu’s western coast (from the 14th to the 28th). This wasn’t exactly a birding holiday, but I managed to drive over the island a couple of times on my own in our rental car (thanks Spiros of for the great service) to explore some areas that weren’t exactly adjacent to a beach. 🙂

I brought with me my trusty Nikon Monarch 10x56DCF binoculars, my Nikon P900 superzoom camera and my Celestron C-90 spotting scope (always a hoot with airport security if you carry it in your hand luggage) on a very shaky cheap plastic tripod for obvious weight reasons which was used exclusively on our balcony overlooking Agios Gordios bay:

Agios Gordios Bay, “Ortholithi” rock formation on the right

Main observing spots where the bay pictured above, Lake Korision and the Roda Valley near Ermones (both visited twice).

Roda Valley near Ermones
Lake Korision as seen from the Northern mudflats

What follows is a loose account of the species observed and the places visit, I hope you may find it useful in planning your stay on Corfu if you’re interested in birdwatching or observing wildlife in general.

List of observed species:

Little Grebe
(Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
European Shag (Phalacrocorax Aristotelis)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
CormorantKorfu, Agios Gordios
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
European KestrelCorfu, Ermones
Peregrine FalconCorfu, Agios Gordios
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
European Herring Gull (Larus argentatus)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Black-headed GullKorfu, Kerkyra
Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
Feral pigeonKorfu, Kerkyra
Scops Owl (Otus scops)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Bee eater (Merops apiaster)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
Sand MartinKorfu, Kerkyra Town
Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
StonechatCorfu, Ermones
White throated warbler (Sylvia curruca)Korfu, Agios Gordios (gr/cfu)
Sardinian Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
WagtailAgios Gordios
Red Backed ShrikeErmones, Korfu
Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
Blue Jay (Garrulus glandarius)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix)Korfu, Lake Korission (gr/cfu)
RavenAgios Gordios
European Sparrow (Passer domesticus)Korfu, Pelekas (gr/cfu)
European GoldfinchCorfu, Ermones
JackdawAgios Gordios
MagpieAgios Gordios
Coal TitAgios Gordios

Observation details

This list is not complete, I’ve tried to focus on the more interesting species on the island.

Little Grebe: observed on one occasion at Lake Korision (LK); 6 ind. hunting on the lake.

Shag: two ind. resting & feeding on a rock near Orthoilithi, Agios Gordios Bay (AGB) observed during 2 consecutive days.

Cormorant: few observed over the course of 2 weeks in AGB

Little Egret: Quite common, seen over AGB, LK, and near a small pond in the Roda Valley (RV) this species seems to replace the white heron common in central europe on Corfu.

Grey Heron: Quite common, occured over AGB, RV and LK.

Greater Flamingo: Observed one right at the Airport lagoon in Kerkyra Town (KT) on arrival, also a few hundred present during both visits to LK.

Marsh harrier: 2 ind. over AGB during the first week on one occasion, not seen again.

Pallid Harrier: observed one adult male over the RV near Ermones on one occasion; 2nd visit a day later to take a good photograph sadly wasn’t successful. (migrant) Crappy photo only I’m afraid.

Common Buzzard: seen on a few occasions over AGB and the RV, not as common as in central europe though.

Kestrel: 2 ind. observed over the RV near Ermones on one occasion

Peregrine Falcon: One ind. over AGB (observed once)

Osprey: One ind. passing North over AGB; another one hunting over LK a week later (may have been the same bird)

Stilt: Single imm. bird on the first visit to LK; not seen again during the 2nd visit a week later. I was very happy to hear its distinctive call when it flew off. I’ve been chasing this bird for a few years now!

Kentish Plover: 5-6 during my first visit to LK on the northern mudflats (lifer), not seen again the 2nd time around.

Cory’s Shearwater: 5 birds hunting over ABG on the very first morning, possibly migrating south; this was the only occasion I saw this bird in spite of many hours spent on the eyepiece of the C-90 spotting scope scanning the bay. (lifer)

Gulls: Herring and yellow-legged seen regularly all over the island; black-headed seen once over the airport lagoon on arrival. Pictured: Yellow-legged near Paleo Frourio in Kerkyra.

Caspian Tern: 2 adults over LK during my 2nd visit. I’ve been told by Nikos from this bird is rarely observed on Corfu, sadly I didn’t manage to take any good photos.

Scops Owl: At least 2 individuals calling every day both at dusk and at dawn at AGB, but never observed. Still I was very happy for this lifer as I wasn’t too optimistic during my planning of the trip, and the pair sounded ever so sweet apparently calling for / to each other (lifer)

Bee-Eater: two flocks of about 20-30 birds observed and heard calling twice during our stay over AGB.

Sand Martin: Quite a surprise to see these birds not shy at all hunting in significant numbers near the old fortress in Kerkyra! Also many barn swallows present there.

Spotted Flycatcher: seen regularly all over the island.

Red-Backed Shrike: The number of shrikes (both in indiviuals and species) was a bit of a letdown to be honest, only one red-backed could be found during the entire stay in RV near Ermones.

Raven: a pair could be observed regularly over AGB, sadly I could never make out their nesting site as the rocky cliffs around the town would probably have provided a perfect breeding ground for these impressive birds.


Despite the 6 new “lifers” observed during my trip I was slightly disappointed with the local variety of species and number of birds. Sparrows seemed to be by far the most common birds, but wherever I went it was quite easy to find spent shotgun cartridges, even in so-called “nature reserves” which kind of sheds a negative light on the way the local environment is “protected”. While I never witnessed any shooting first hand the evidence for it was quite obvious.

Lake Korision (during our visits) was plagued by several 10-vehicle quad tours roaring up and down the narrow beach… not something I’d expect to see in any continental nature reserve without some visiting nature enthusiasts making a stand 🙂

Caveat: I didn’t manage to visit all the areas I had planned to (most notably the Pantokrator mountain region in the North and Lefkimmi in the South), so I may have missed out on quite a few species which are supposedly present in those locations. A dedicated birding trip will probably turn up many more species which I didn’t manage to spot during my stay.

Restoring the GRUB boot sector on Linux Mint 19 / Ubuntu 18.04


Note to self: Always make a copy of your boot sectors using dd first. 
Note to world: These commands will only work if you have a separate boot partition. 

# take note of your Linux partitions (/dev/sde3 == /, /dev/sde1 = /boot in my case)

fdisk -l 

# Mount Linux partitions using your live installer cd / usb key: 

mount /dev/sde3 /mnt
mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/boot

# re-install grub to /dev/sda

grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda 



Mondfinsternis 2018-07-27 in Herford

Es war richtig voll an der Hilgenböke in Herford: Mindenstens 100 Menschen jeden Alters interessierten sich für die Mondfinsternis. Da ich als einziger ein Spektiv mithatte (TS Optics 100mm mit Zoomokular 20x-60x), bildete sich teilweise sogar eine Schlange von Leuten, die mal Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars (oder natürlich auch den verdunkelten Mond) mit eigenen Augen sehen wollten.


Es war sehr schön, so viel Interesse an diesem schönen Himmelsphänomen zu erleben.


Das Finsternisende liess sich dann perfekt von der heimischen Dachterasse beobachten.

Updating Lineage OS 14.1 on a Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-9300i)

While lineage claims that the update process is mostly automatic on the Galaxy S III (gt-9300i), I found that after downloading an update and rebooting I ended up in my TWRP boot screen, with nothing much automatic going on at all.

It took me a while to determine the storage location of the downloaded updates (that much worked I’m happy to report), and it seems that for me (LineageOS 14.1) they end up on the internal SD card in a directory called



The trick was to use the “up one level” function in TWRP’s image selection to actually see the root level of the internal SD card.


Then, all I needed to do was to select the most recent update (it’s in zip format so you may need to switch the image / zip display in TWRP’s “install” screen, flash it (apparently you don’t have to wipe the cache for it to work), reboot the system and wait about 15 minutes, and hey presto!, here’s my most recent Lineage OS update running fine on my S III.

Caveat: During the initial migration from CM13 to Lineage 14.1, I found the system would not boot properly if I chose to select the “SuperSU” package as offered by the Lineage OS installer. Not choosing to install that package would allow the system to boot properly.

I hope this helps you updating and keeping current your beloved GT-9300i phone!

Increasing the number of open files for MariaDB 10.1 on CentOS7 (openstack pike RDO install)

(c) stackhpc

Our openstack pike installation crashed after a couple of days with tons of error messages in /var/log/mariadb/maria.log in the form of

Error in accept: Bad file descriptor

Some googling  hinted at mariadb running out of open files, but I had some problems getting to grips how to set the number of open files for mariadb 10.1.20 (used by the rdo openstack-pike) on a CentOS 7 system, so here’s for posterity:

1)increase the ulimit in /etc/security/limits.conf as usual:

* hard nofile 1024000
* soft nofile 1024000

2) create the file (if it doesn’t exist, otherwise edit the existing file) /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limits.conf 

and add the following lines


2a) reload systemd

# systemctl daemon-reload

3) restart mariadb

# systemctl restart mariadb.service

4) check the results

# mysql -pXXXXXXXX mysql

MariaDB [mysql]> show global variables like 'open%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| open_files_limit | 1024000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

5) Enjoy a hopefully crash-free OpenStack Pike setup 😉