Author Archives: hoover

Krümel und Pünktchen sind Geschichte

Nachdem wir letzte Woche Pünktchen nach einem bösen Fliegenbefall einschläfern mussten, ist nun auch der letzte Hase “Krümel” zurück in sein Elternhaus gezogen, da wir meinen, dass Zergkaninchen nicht allein gehalten werden sollten und in Gesellschaft ihrer Artgenossen auf jeden Fall besser aufgehoben sind.

Nun hat er es wieder gut und gesellig bei seinem “Papa” und zwei Hasendamen nur in paar Strassen weiter, Hannah kann ihn also immer besuchen, wenn ihr danach ist.

Unsere Katze ist entsprechend verwirrt, da es nun nichts mehr zu bewachen oder ärgern gibt sie liegt liebend gern auf dem Dach des Hasenstalls und döst dort in der Sonne.


Another serious bout of nethack addiction

Following the recent announcement of the “nethack & variants” world championships, I’ve dug into that fantastic game once more which I have been playing since the late eighties, back then on my meagre Amiga 500.


Only today, I managed a decent game playing the usual “Ranger – Elf – Chaotic” character again, even meeting my ghost on level #9 or so of the gnomish mines.


Some random nymph stole my +2 elven cloak and bow on the Oracle level (hadn’t seen that in a while either as I’m usually headed straight down the Mines when I find them), only one altar in Minetown and not many else extras to speak of didn’t make things easier.


Eventually I made it to the bottom of the mines, plundering the wine cellar and all, but my AC never got below -3 at 63HP, so when faced with an air elemental on the mine bottom and a winged gargoyle on the level #9, I was faced with choosing my favourite kind of death.


I wish I would have kept that chickatrice corpse I had, but for fear of fumbling, falling down the stairs without remembering to unwield it first I carelessly dropped it.


Well, “hoover the male elven ranger” died with nearly 40k points, so it wasn’t a bad game at all. I’ve also picked up collecting and identifying daggers, they make a great weapon for throwing once your skill picks up (I could throw four at atime), sadly for lack of potions and scrolls, I never got around to blessing them or they would have made an even better weapon.


Bring on the next character! I’ve never ascended, and I probably never will, but one can dream. I had really forgotten what a wonderful game nethack is.


Back from Scotland

Nach einer Woche Schottland, viel leckerem Ale, Fish & Chips  und knapp 1,000 Meilen im VW Polo sind wir Anfang Juni zurückgekehrt. Bald gibt’s an dieser Stelle (oder bei Picasa) diverse Fotos, sobald ich mich durch die Ordner gewühlt habe 😉


Resetting google chrome / chromium on Linux

Just the other day, my favourite browser started acting up on Linux Mint 10: whenever I started google chrome or chromium, the entire window would lock up and I’d have to kill the process using xkill.

I decided to start with a fresh set of preferences which is no biggie as google chrome’s nice sync feature makes it a snap to restore one’s favourite bookmarks, accounts and so on, so here’s what I did:


Open up a shell and type the following commands (make sure neither chromium nor chrome are running beforehand):

$ cd ~
$ mkdir backup
$ mv .config/.chromium .config/google-chrome backup/

Start google chrome, and you should be greeted by the familiar welcome screen.


Caveat: Only tried this on Linux Mint 10 (Ubuntu based), YMMV depending on the distro of your choice.


Vogelbeobachtungen auf Baltrum, April 2011

In der Woche vor Ostern genossen wir bei schönstem Sommerwetter eine Woche auf der Nordseeinsel Baltrum. Da gerade aktiver Vogelzug herrschte, konnte ich am Ende eine gut gefüllte Artenliste mit 60 verschiedenen Arten mit nach Hause nehmen.

Auch einige Neuheiten wie Kiebitzregenpfeifer und Bluthänfling waren darunter, alte Bekannte wie die Löffler der Wattkolonie liessen sich dieses Mal sogar im Formationsflug blicken.

In nächster Zeit werde ich diesen Artikel mit einer Suchkarte der Insel und der genauen Liste vervollständigen.

Hier folgt schon mal die Liste der beobachteten Arten:















Löffler (8 ziehend, Kolonie ca. 20 Ind.)





Wiesenschafstelze (3 Ex. auf dem Polder, mit Bachstelzen und Wiesenpiepern)





Nebelkrähe (am Nordstrand, ein Ind.)








Meerstrandläufer (ca. 20 unter Steinwälzern)

Steinwälzer (ca. 150)


Kiebitzregenpfeifer (immat/Winter, in einer Truppe von ca. 50 ASL)









Ringelgans (ca. 500)



Brachvogel (nur einer)







Steinschmätzer (3-4 ex. auf der sandigen Weide)

Mäusebussard (2)


Graureiher (durchziehend)



Cairdeas Website: Under construction (again)

With the new album “the thinner line” released recently, the Cairdeas website will be undergoing some construction over the next couple of weeks, so please excuse any problems you may encounter. We’ll update to the latest release of the “sliding doors” theme and some other cosmetic changes, so stay tuned.


All the best, Uwe


Some unscientific Linux filesystem benchmarks

I just did some rudimentary benchmarking of various Linux filesystems on Ubuntu 10.10/32 bit, doing an rsync -av of /usr /about 3,5GB of data) to a USB-connected, freshly formatted ATA drive (Seagate Barracuda 750g), here are the results (caveat: I used the system for web browsing and some shell stuff during the runs, so take the numbers with a large grain of salt):

xfs: 10m 1sec

jfs: 9m 5sec

btrfs: 7m 29sec

ext4: 6m 47sec

All filesystems were formatted using default parameters.

If it wasn’t for the long delay creating a largish ext4 fs as it writes its inode tables, I guess I’d be using ext4 more! 😉 Nice work also on btrfs, I guess there’s some more performance to be gained as the file system comes of age.

Batch-Scaling a directory of jpeg images using ImageMagick’s “convert” cli tool

Recently, I had to scale down a series of images in different resolutions down to a web-friendly 600xsomething size so I could upload them to Zope’s internal Medusa ftp server without having to wait hours or breaking the resulting picture page with humongous images. Here’s how I did it, assuming the pics reside in a directory called “picdir” in my home directory:

cd ~/picdir
mkdir web # create a temporary dir to hold the scaled down images
for f in *jpg *JPG ; do
 convert -geometry 600x "$f" web/"$f"
 #convert to 600px width at most, let convert figure out the rest
  echo $file

Of course, this only works for landscape format pics, portrait format pictures will end up slightly larger because of their greater vertical size.

Winter Fun Race at MoSport 2009 (Enduracers SP1 mod)

Hi folks,

image (c)

we’ll be holding a fun race at Mosport 2009 on Dec. 30th, 2010. The race will start around 21:00 CET for 50 laps at 2x fuel use, low traction control and auto clutch allowed. You can join the server now for praccy sessions at

or simply look for the gt2 WinterFun server in the lobby. We’ll be racing the gt2 cars. If you want to join, please post a comment here with the team name and starting number.

Details and entry list: click here

Removing long-distance track object popups in rFactor

Having bought a decent new gpu the other day (radeon 5850), I was wondering how to increase the draw distance at certain tracks like Road America to prevent those pesky track object popups (trees, cranes and so on). Some googling got the result as usual:

– go to your gamedata\vehicles\<series> folder and track down the folder for the car you want to modify

– open the <vehicle>.cam file in the text editor of your choice (I use gnu emacs)

– look for the cockpit cam definition

– increase the following variable to 10.0 or so:


Save the file and start rFactor to enjoy a popup-less (or at least much improved) track environment.

eee pc 1005p: Getting the “disable touch pad” function key to work on Ubuntu Lucid

Hi folks,

here’s something I came across while playing with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid on my eee pc 1005p: Apparently, to get the “disable touchpad” function key working (fn-f3), you have to deselect the “disable touchpad while typing” setting in the gnome control center-> mouse input settings.

I found that with the above setting enabled, if you hit the function key to disable the eee’s touchpad, it will get re-enabled on the first keypress.

Hope that fixes the problems for some of you using the eee pc 1005p model.